Identity as a value

Territorial marketing

Territorial marketing is a scientific discipline that has its roots in behavioral economics, it is strategic planning for territories, “brand” promotion for products and identity enhancement for companies.

It also deals with the quality of life and sustainability for the inhabitants, with an impact on the value of the tourist offer as an immersive experience.

A Territorial Marketing Plan is a strategy for enhancing and promoting the identity of the territory and seeks its vocation through the involvement of the community and businesses.


Reveal the hidden resources of the area

There are no territories that are better than others, but territories that know how to effectively communicate their peculiarities and others that are unable to do so.

A scientific and competent approach is useful for discovering and revealing the hidden resources that all territories have and which make them unique.

Ours is a different territorial marketing because it starts from listening to the territory, with its requests and needs. We called it “empathic” because it seeks, through harmony, to create a synergy between people, places and actions.


Telling the uniqueness

We are able to accompany the territory on a strategic path that is based on its values ​​and builds its identity through an original and coherent system of storytelling.

We manage all aspects of communication, from the creation of the concept to its implementation on all tools, offline and online.

we deal with:

  • Creation of the concept
  • Creation of any brand
  • Study of the payoff
  • ADV creation
  • Media service, offline and online
  • Website creation
  • Press Office and PR
  • Social Media strategy and planning
  • Ideation and organization of events
  • Support for participation in national and international tenders
  • Training


Create value to attract resources

Within a very rapidly evolving context, we have developed a model capable of adapting to the market.

Our approach keeps ideas and creativity at the centre, and it is able to offer vertical specializations governed by a solid central strategy.

Services, skills and relationships come together in a strategic, creative and technological hub capable of moving like a particle animation, with autonomous but connected elements that design a harmonious and, above all, concretely effective path.

For boundless creativity, with measurable results.

1. Analysis of conditions

useful for evolving the territory in a sustainable way and cataloging the resources

2. Managing complexities

linked to the governance of the territories, knowledge of the distinctive characteristics of the place.

4. Reputation building

through territorial marketing paths and tools (communication, conversation and perception).

6. Starting the route

through a test project and, in case of a positive test, its subsequent implementation.

Project Leader

Daniela Cavallo

Architect with a humanistic education and approach.

For ten years at the Department of Business Economics of the University of Verona, together with Professor Claudio Baccarani, she has developed a school of thought for this discipline, which later became good practice, that of “empathetic” Territorial Marketing.

Her work for many years has consisted of “training” territories and businesses in valorization, co-creation of value, awareness, especially in places that are more complex than others.

Case History

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